Dakin’s Solution
Dakin’s solution has been used in the treatment of infected wounds since World War 1. Developed by English chemist, Henry Drysdale Dakin, and French surgeon, Alexis Carrel, after a long search for an ideal wound antiseptic. Dakin's solution continues to be used to prevent and treat skin and tissue infections that could result from cuts, scrapes and pressure sores. It is also used before and after surgery to prevent surgical wound infections. The solution is also called Dakin’s fluid, or Carrel–Dakin fluid.
Dakin's solution is prepared by passing chlorine into a solution of sodium hydroxide or sodium carbonate. Chlorine, the active ingredient in Dakin's solution, is a strong antiseptic that kills most forms of viruses and bacteria. Dakin’s Solution is used by pouring or applying onto the injured area. When used on wounds, Dakin's solution is often used as an irrigation or cleanser. It is also used to wet certain types of wound dressings (e.g., wet to moist dressing). Dakin’s solution should be used according to a doctor’s instructions exactly.