Eczema/Atopic Dermatitis
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Eczema bath remedy shows greater improvement on EASI scores
Watch a video to learn more about a trial on a eczema bath remedy that showed greater improvement on the EASI scores.
Bleach baths shown to reduce inflammation and aging in a recent Stanford University study
Dr. Leung and his team, using a mouse model, report that skin inflammation and aging are reduced by simple exposure to bleach baths.See research article from the Journal of Clinical Investigation

Skin Barrier Function Repair Is the Next Step in Atopic Dermatitis Treatment
SAN ANTONIO — Treatment of atopic dermatitis in pediatric patients is shifting from symptom control to repair of the skin barrier function, Dr. Rebecca Lynn Smith said at a meeting of Skin Disease Education Foundation.
AD Treatment Progression: Start Simple
LAS VEGAS — If you're stumped about how to manage your patients with severe atopic dermatitis, Amy S. Paller, M.D., offered clear-cut advice at the Fall Clinical Dermatology Conference.
Treatment of Staphylococcus aureus Colonization in Atopic Dermatitis Decreases Disease Severity
Staphylococcus aureus is a known complication of atopic dermatitis, and treatment of S aureus can improve this condition. Nasal swabbing with mupirocin ointment is somewhat effective in reducing nasal carriage of S aureus, and other methods of S aureus control on skin surfaces have been postulated.
Bleach Bath Recipe for Skin Conditions
Atopic dermatitis (eczema) is a chronic skin condition. It usually affects the face, scalp, elbows or knees. The red, scaly, itchy rash is more common in infants and in people with a history of allergies or asthma.
Diluted Bleach Baths can improve Atopic Dermatitis
Atopic dermatitis is a very common disease that mostly affects children. One of the factors contributing to the flares of this condition is Staphylococcus aureus skin infections. In fact this children’s skin is very often colonized by S. aureus. This is mainly due to a defective epidermal barrier and a reduction of endogenous antimicrobial peptides in patients with atopic dermatitis. In addition, S. aureus superantigens can induce proinflammatory cytokines that contribute to disease flares.
Bleach baths for Eczema
Bleach baths for eczema may help prevent infections with Staph. aureus. A pediatric dermatologist may recommend treatment with bleach baths in addition to the traditional treatments with antibiotics and steroids.
Q&A: Bleach Baths for Eczema?
Q: I’ve heard that baths with diluted bleach can successfully treat kids with eczema. Is this true? A: Common household bleach (sodium hypochlorite) is best known as the product that “makes whites whiter,” but diluted bleach has also been used as a dental antiseptic and, in certain forms, as a wound disinfectant. Given the common perception of bleach as an irritant, one would think that bathing in it would be harmful, but clinical trials have actually proven this treatment to be very effective.
Washing Away Your Eczema
Research suprisingly shows household bleach can help improve this irritating skin condition. By Maureen M. Salera If you’ve suffered from severe chronic eczema, you know the cycle well. As eczema flares, it sucks all the moisture from your skin, leaving severely dry, cracked and itchy fissures in its reddened path. The raw and irritated skin creates a brittle environment that opens the door to infection. As your skin begins to ooze, crust and itch incessantly, you return to your dermatologist to seek relief.
Bleach Bath for Eczema Proves Effective
Posted By Claire Gagné On 2010/07/02 A bit of bleach may be all that’s needed to clear up your child’s eczema, according to new research from the Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago. All it took was half a cup of bleach in a tub of water twice a week to see dramatic improvement.